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How to Apply a Second Coat of Exterior Paint

Most exterior surfaces need two coats of paint over the primer or existing paint to be optimally durable, even if it looks fine with just one coat. To apply a second coat of paint, it's important to let the previous coat of paint dry, and the recommended drying time given on the label is merely a guideline. There are some instances where you need to wait longer than recommended, and others when it's OK to allow less time.

Things You'll Need

  • 5 gallon buckets
  • Large stir stick
  • Brushes
  • Rollers
  • Paint tray or 5 gallon bucket and roller grid
  • Masking tape
  • Masking paper or plastic
  • Paint sprayer
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      Read the paint label directions for suggested drying time before painting a second coat because each paint is formulated differently. Wait at least four hours before applying water-based paint, and eight hours minimum before applying oil-based paint.

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      Pay attention to the temperature and humidity and choose warm, dry days for exterior painting. Allow more time than suggested on the paint label before recoating if weather conditions are less than perfect.

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      Mix together enough paint for the entire job to ensure color uniformity for the entire final coat. Use clean 5 gallon buckets to stir together single gallons.

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      Apply the paint to the siding with a brush, roller or paint sprayer. Mask the windows and apply the second coat with a sprayer for the fastest job, even if you rolled or brushed the first coat.

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      Paint the trim last using a brush. Use a 4- or 6-inch roller for rough wood trim. For a more professional-looking job, paint the returns (edges) as well as the face of the trim.