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How to Paint Windows to Match the Siding

Windows and siding are often painted in two different tones. Many homeowners enjoy the aesthetic contrast created by two-tone exterior paint, but this design scheme isn't for everybody. If you'd prefer identical window and siding colorization, you don't need to spend money on new windows or expensive residing. It's possible to paint windows to match your existing siding, provided you follow the right steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Tin snips
  • Liquid vinyl
  • Trisodium phosphate cleanser
  • Rag
  • Primer
  • Synthetic-bristle paintbrush
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      Obtain a sample paint chip or a piece of the siding. If your siding is painted, it's fairly easy to chip off a small piece of paint from the siding. If your siding is vinyl, however, the color is typically not painted on. To obtain a vinyl siding color sample, you'll need to use a tin-snip to cut off a piece of the siding. Take the piece from a well-hidden part of the siding. You can patch the bare spot with a liquid vinyl patch and paint it with any leftover window paint.

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      Match the color at your local hardware or paint store. Some stores have laser eyes that scan the sample for precise matching; in other cases you'll need to rely on a visual match. Visual paint matching is susceptible to human error, so bring along a friend for a second opinion before making your final selection.

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      Wash the paintable window surfaces with a trisodium phosphate cleanser and a rag. Exterior dirt buildup limits paint adhesion.

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      Prime the window with an appropriate exterior primer and a synthetic-bristle paintbrush. The right primer varies from job to job, depending solely on the window's material. For a metal window frame, use a rust-inhibitive primer. Vinyl windows require high-adhesion primer. Prime wood windows with stain-blocking primer. Wait for the primer to dry.

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      Paint the primed window surfaces with oil-based exterior paint. Use a synthetic-bristle paintbrush for a matte finish and a foam brush for glossy.

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      Apply a second coat of oil-based paint after the first coat dries.

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      Remove the painter's tape after 24 hours.