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DIY: How to Paint the Outside of a House

Painting the outside of a house requires stamina, patience and time and should only be attempted by those who are used to working at different heights and have some painting experience behind them. As well as improving the look of your house, it will also protect it against the elements. Choose a dry spell to undertake this work and allow plenty of time to complete the job.

Things You'll Need

  • Dropcloths
  • Scrapers
  • Sandpaper
  • Filler or caulk
  • Ladder, platform or scaffolding (depending on height of house)
  • Primer and undercoat for bare wood
  • Small paintbrush for wood trims
  • 5-gallon bucket for paint
  • Paintbrush, 4 to 6 inches, or paint roller
  • Bristle paint brush for uneven and textured walls
  • Exterior grade masonry paint
  • Exterior grade gloss for woodwork
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      Lay down dropcloths to protect the ground and plants. Cut back any plants that adjoin the house walls to get clear access to the walls.

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      Prepare the walls prior to painting.

      Prepare and clean all exterior surfaces before painting. Fill any holes and cracks with a good external filler or caulk and smooth down the surface to get it ready for painting.

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      Paint all bare areas of wood with a suitable primer and undercoat, working from the top of the building downward. Allow to dry.

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      Secure safe access to the highest part of the house, using scaffolding, a platform or ladder. Paint the woodwork around the roof and guttering first.

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      Transfer the masonry paint to the bucket. Paint the walls with the external masonry paint in small sections, using a brush or paint roller. Smooth surfaces should be painted using a criss-cross stroke to get an even finish. Paint uneven surfaces with a bristle brush in a circular motion to work the paint into all areas. Allow at least two coats of paint or follow instructions from the paint manufacturer.

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      Paint the wood sills and window frames with exterior gloss paint using the smaller brush. Leave the windows open until the paint has dried.

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      Treat yourself to some new door furniture to greet your guests.

      Remove any door furniture and paint the door with at least two coats of gloss paint. Allow to dry and refit the door furniture.