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Swanstone Sink Repair

Swanstone, a hard man-made material for sinks and counters resembling granite, while designed to be scratch-resistant, can still scratch. Don't use abrasive metal materials such as coarse steel wool or wire-bristled brushes to remove stains on the Swanstone, no matter how pervasive the stains may be. If you have stains, work carefully to blend them with the rest of the sink. For this job you will need to use non-metallic abrasive materials to blend the scratch with the sink.

Things You'll Need

  • No-scratch, plastic scrubbing pad
  • 400-grit wet/dry sandpaper
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      Wet the sink to lubricate the surface for an even result.

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      Scrub the scratch with a no-scratch, plastic abrasive pad to remove light scratches.

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      Scrub the scratch with a piece of 400-grit wet/dry sandpaper if the scratches are still visible. Slowly work the area around the scratch to blend with the rest of the sink. Use light pressure at first, then work to heavier pressure until the scratch is gone.

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      Scrub the scratch with a plastic no-scratch abrasive pad. This will smooth out the area and blend it with untouched areas on the sink.

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      Rinse the sink with clear water.