Home Garden

How Can I Cut Carpet & Avoid Fraying?

You can easily cut through carpet, depending on the variety, using a utility knife or a carpet knife. Sweep or vacuum your carpet before cutting it to prevent dust and debris from flying out as you work. Cut the carpet in as few strokes as possible to avoid a jagged edge, which will fray more easily.

Things You'll Need

  • Carpet or utility knife
  • Popsicle stick
  • Carpet glue
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      Have someone hold the carpet tight, straight and flat as you cut it to keep the edge as straight as possible.

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      Cut the carpet with a very sharp utility knife or special carpet knife to reduce fraying as much as possible. Berber carpet, for example, is best cut with a row cutter instead of a utility knife.

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      Turn the carpet over, if possible, or turn the edge up so the wrong side is facing you.

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      Use a paint stirrer, spatula or popsicle stick to spread a layer of carpet glue along the edge.

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      Let the glue dry thoroughly before laying it back down on the floor.