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How to Dig a Trench in a Basement

A basement that fills with water whenever it rains may benefit from the installation of an interior trench drain. Doing this requires you to dig the trench below the level of your basement floor. But before you can dig, you have to cut, break up and remove the concrete. A sledge hammer may do the trick, but an electric jackhammer from your local rental center would be more effective and efficient. This equipment will quickly break up just enough concrete in your basement floor to dig a trench, while leaving the rest of the floor intact.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray paint
  • Electric jackhammer with point and chisel bits
  • Bucket or wheelbarrow
  • Small spade and/or garden trowel
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    • 1

      Mark the location, size and outline of the desired trench. Apply spray paint directly to the concrete of the basement floor.

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      Break up the concrete floor with an electric jackhammer. Begin at the edge of the hole with the point bit of the jackhammer, making a crack to mark the outline of the proposed trench. Enlarge the outline cracks using the chisel bit, moving toward the interior of the marked area.

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      Remove pieces of concrete as they break off. Put them in a bucket or a wheelbarrow for removal and disposal.

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      Dig the trench using a small square spade. Use a garden trowel to dig out trenches narrower than about 6 inches. Place the dug-out dirt into a bucket or wheelbarrow to be removed.