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How to Install Banisters at the Tops of Stairs

Banisters are vital to keeping people safe on a stairway because they both supply a barrier to prevent someone from falling over the side and they also provide a rail to grip to prevent slipping. Some banisters are straight pieces of wood that just go down the stairwell without any material at the very top. Adding a banister at the top of the stairs makes the stairway safer for anybody traveling up and down it.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Power miter saw
  • Stud finder
  • Pencil
  • Drill
  • Screws
  • Stair railing brackets
  • Masking tape
  • Epoxy glue
  • Fine sandpaper
  • Rag
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    • 1

      Measure the length along the wall at the top of the stairs with a tape measure so you know how long to make the extended banister.

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      Cut the top end of the main handrail to a 45-degree angle using a power miter saw. The saw has a setting that allows you to specify specific angles. Cut the end of the banister you're adding to 45 degrees as well so the two pieces fit together while also allowing the top piece to angle out from the main rail so it runs parallel to the floor at the top of the stairs. Hold the pieces together to test the fit and adjust them accordingly with the saw so the ends connect tightly together.

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      Run a stud finder along the wall at the top of the stairs to locate where to install brackets to hold the banister in place. Mark the studs with a pencil on the wall.

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      Drill brackets into the wall at the top of the stairs where the studs are. Line up the banister with the wall marks to verify the brackets are positioned at an appropriate height to hold the banister before drilling them.

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      Wrap the ends of the banister with masking tape to protect them against epoxy exposure. This ensures only the end of the wood piece is affected by the glue.

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      Mix together epoxy glue and apply it to the end of the handrail already in place and the banister you're adding. Press the pieces tightly together and hold them in place for five minutes to let the glue harden. Wipe away any excess around the joint with a rag before it hardens. Unwrap the masking tape once the glue hardens and the banister feels secure. Let it sit for 24 hours for the epoxy to fully cure and then smooth out the joint with fine sandpaper.

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      Connect the banister to the brackets in the wall. Some brackets drill into the outside of the banister while others support the banister from the bottom through gravity.