Home Garden

Termite Fumigation Concerns

Termite infestation can be a nightmare for homeowners worried that termites will weaken the wood and foundation of their homes. However, the most common method of fumigation involves excavating the family for a period of three days while lethally poisonous toxins are released inside their home. Although this kills the termites, the method of termination does pose some concern for homeowners. Homeowners with termites should investigate all the risks involved with fumigation and have their questions answered by a licensed professional.
  1. Occupant Safety

    • When considering getting their home fumigated for termites, some homeowners are concerned about how long the gas will linger. They wonder if the air in their home will be safe to breathe after the tent has been removed. According to Pest-Rule.com, concerned individuals have nothing to worry about. Occupants are asked to leave their home for three days. On the first day, the home is fumigated; on the second day the home is aired out; and on third day occupants are permitted to return. The grace period between fumigation and the return of the occupants is plenty of time for the gases and toxins to dissipate.

    Fumigation Residue

    • Because the chemical released during fumigation permeates the air and the walls, homeowners often wonder whether the chemical has also permeated the furniture and home surfaces, and, if so, how long will the chemicals linger. According to Critter-Controllers.com, fumigation leaves no residue. However, the site recommends that those with concerns wipe down their furniture and surfaces upon returning home; before the fumigation, individuals with concerns are also advised to remove or put away any items they don't want to come into contact with poisonous gas. This especially includes kids' toys and any other items children will put into their mouths.


    • Another concern of homeowners is whether or not fumigation will affect their food supply. Homeowners are generally given written, verbal and/or video instructions on how to prepare their homes for fumigation. They are advised to either remove food from the home or store it all in sealed plastic bags.

    Complete Extermination

    • One concern regarding termite fumigation is whether or not all the termites will be eliminated. Unfortunately, only termites inside the home will be exterminated during fumigation; termites that live underground within the perimeter of the home will survive and may enter the home and create another infestation. Homeowners are advised to pay for additional fumigation around the perimeter of the home to ensure the termites will be completely eradicated.