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How to Hook Up 2 Oil Tanks

If you use fuel oil to heat your home during the winter you will have an oil tank installed inside of your home. Adding a second oil tank can increase the amount of fuel that you can store if you purchase your supply during the summer when prices are cheaper. Connecting the new oil tank to the existing oil tank will require running a new copper supply line, fill pipe and vent pipe.

Things You'll Need

  • Felt-tip marker
  • Power drill
  • Threaded pipe
  • Adjustable wrench
  • 3/8-inch copper pipe
  • T-fitting
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      Set up the second oil tank next to the existing oil tank. Mark the location for two holes on your exterior wall with the felt-tip marker.

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      Attach a three-eighths-inch hole saw attachment to the chuck of the power drill. Drill two holes through the wall.

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      Insert a threaded pipe into the hole. One will be used as a fill pipe and the other will be used as the vent pipe. Attach the fill pipe and vent pipe for the new oil tank onto the end of the threaded pipe.

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      Close the shut-off valve for the copper supply pipe to the existing oil tank. Remove this copper pipe by loosening the fittings with an adjustable wrench.

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      Solder the end of a three-eighths-inch copper pipe onto a T-fitting. Attach the other end of the copper pipe to the fitting on the existing oil tank. Attach a second copper pipe onto the side inlet of the T-fitting and to the inlet fitting on the new oil tank.

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      Attach the end of another copper supply line to the open end of the T-fitting. Attach the other end of the pipe to the inlet valve on your furnace. Open the shut-off valve to fill the new oil tank.