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How to Fasten a Copper Saddle Rivet

One method of securing stirrups and other parts of a saddle together is with copper rivets. Unlike standard rivets, copper rivets do not have a shaft that pulls through the head of the rivet. Instead, the rivet consists of two parts driven together with special rivet tools. The key to fastening a copper saddle rivet is the rivet-setting tool. The tool is a bar with two holes on one end. One hole sets the rivet burr, while the concave hole molds the end of the rivet.

Things You'll Need

  • Leather cleaner
  • Leather punch
  • Rivet-setting tool
  • Ball-peen hammer
  • Nippers
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      Clean both pieces of the leather you want to fasten. Use a quality leather cleaner, according to the directions on the label, to remove dirt, dust and grease from the leather.

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      Hold the two pieces of the leather together. Punch a hole through both pieces with a leather punch. Insert the copper rivet through both pieces of leather, and turn the pieces over so the rivet head is laying on a flat surface. The post of the rivet should be facing you.

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      Push a rivet burr over the copper rivet post. The rivet burr looks similar to a copper washer. Position the round-hole side of the rivet-setting tool over the rivet post and against the burr. Strike the top of the tool with a ball-peen hammer.

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      Cut the rivet post 1/16-inch above the burr with a pair of nippers. Nippers have curved jaws that cut through the post.

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      Position the concave hole of the rivet tool over the remaining post and against the burr. Strike the top of the tool with the hammer. Move the concave over the post, left to right, as you strike the top of the tool with the hammer. This rounds the end of the post over the burr.

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      Remove the rivet-setting tool and strike the center of the burr and post with the flat side of the ball-peen hammer.