Home Garden

How to Prevent Water Seepage on Slab Foundations in Low-Lying Areas

Low-lying areas around your property can cause water seepage on slab foundations in your basement. Having defective gutters or unprotected windows can wreak havoc on your basement in the event of torrential rainstorms during the spring and heavy snowfall in the winter months. Taking the proper preventative measures can help alleviate water seepage and possible flooding.


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      Free your gutters of leaves, twigs and other debris. If your gutters are clogged or defective, rainwater will not properly flow away from your property. If unclogging the gutters does not help, you may need to repair or replace them.

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      Dig a drainage ditch if the land slopes toward your home. The shallow ditch will redirect the water away from your home. You may also choose to fill the slope with dirt and plant grass seed directing the slope away from the foundation of the house. ALS Home Improvement Center suggests extending the slope for at least 10 feet past the foundation.

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      Trim overgrown shrubs and weeded areas around the house especially in low-lying areas. Heavy shrubbery will hold water and not allow sunlight in to dry the area quickly.

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      Hire a contractor. If the water seepage is extreme and your attempts at correcting the problem have failed, a contractor may be needed. Proper drainage may not have been considered when the house was built.

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      Install a sump pump. There are cases where preventing the seepage is impossible to correct. A small sump pump can be installed to carry the water seepage through a drain line leading away from the house.

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      Fix faulty plumbing and defective basement windows. The water seepage on slab foundations may not be caused by low-lying areas. Checking for other issues, such as leaky plumbing and unprotected windows can possibly save you from spending time and money on a non-existent problem.