Home Garden

DIY: Economy Trowel

If your floor tiles are broken and they are starting to pop out like a messy jigsaw puzzle, they need to be repaired before someone gets into an accident. If you plan on repairing your tiles yourself, you can also make your very own economy trowel before you start. An economy trowel will make your tile-fixing project a success, and the sooner you make it, the sooner you will be able to fix your broken tiles.

Things You'll Need

  • A handle
  • Heavy-duty hardware glue
  • A flat, thin sheet of wood or plastic
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      Make square- or V-shaped notches on the edges of your plastic or wooden flat surface. This will allow you to "comb" the adhesive on the tiles.

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      Glue the handle to the middle of the flat sheet of wood or plastic. Your glue must be heavy-duty and not house glue.

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      Let your trowel sit for a day, so that the glue dries thoroughly. Forcefully drag it across a surface to test its durability. Remember that you are going to apply the adhesive to the floor using your trowel. If your handle comes off, you will need to make a better trowel.