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How to Install Washable Rubber Flooring

Rubber flooring is a common floor option in commercial locations such as gyms, children's play areas and other high traffic areas. Their main advantage is that the rubber does not absorb dirt and stains, making them washable. In addition, rubber floors provide cushioning that other flooring options do not, which creates less leg and foot fatigue. Homeowners can install rubber flooring, since the materials simply snap together in an interlocking fashion.

Things You'll Need

  • Broom
  • Tape measure
  • Chalk snap line
  • Utility knife
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    • 1

      Remove all items from the room and sweep the floor using a broom to remove dust and dirt from it.

    • 2

      Measure the width of one of the rubber floor tiles using a tape measure. Walk to one side of the room and measure out the same distance from the wall. Snap a chalk line on the floor all the way across the room to create an outline for the first row of tiles. Repeat the process to create additional chalk lines at the same distance all the way across the floor.

    • 3

      Walk to one corner of the room and insert the first rubber floor tile securely in the corner. Insert three plastic pins, provided with the flooring, into the holes along the side of the tile.

    • 4

      Lay a second rubber tile on the floor and push it against the first, aligning the holes in the second tile over the pins in the first tile.

    • 5

      Continue installing pins and tiles in the same manner until you have an entire row across the room.

    • 6

      Walk back to the first tile and insert three more pins into the holes in the tile's free side. Slide another tile onto the pins to start the second row of tiles.

    • 7

      Repeat the process of installing pins and rubber flooring tiles until you have only one row of tiles left to install. Measure the distance between the wall and the last installed tile. Transfer the measurement onto a tile and position a straightedge at the location. Cut along the straight edge with a utility knife to trim the tile. Cut and install all remaining tiles along the last row.