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Can You Patch Old Cork Floors?

Cork flooring comprises tiles made from cork oak wood pasted or otherwise attached over the top of standard flooring surfaces. While durable, cork flooring will often become damaged over time and may need replacing. You can patch old cork flooring, but there are a few steps you'll have to take to do so.
  1. The Tools You'll Need

    • You will need a paintbrush, a razor blade knife -- to cut the damaged tiles away from the floor -- a scraper tool, contact cement and a chisel and rubber mallet. The mallet, chisel and scraper are for removing the tile from the floor, while the cement and paintbrush are for applying a layer of adhesive over which you will place the patch tiles.

    The Patching Process

    • Ideally, the patch tiles should be the same type of tile you are removing. If you do not have access to such tiles, however, purchase attic stock tiles. These are strong and will provide the durability you need to ensure the patch stays in place. Once you have your tiles, cut away the edges of the old cork tile to give you room to maneuver the hammer and chisel. Break up the damaged tiles with the hammer and chisel and scrape away the remnants with a scraper tool. Do this for all tiles in the damaged area. Once the tiles are cleared away, clean the area thoroughly and apply a layer of contact cement. Press the new cork tiles down onto the cement and allow the cement to dry the required time before walking on the tiles.

    When to Patch

    • Cork tiles should be replaced only when the damage is extensive and not just because you've noticed a stain or a small bur on the tile. Cork tiles are among the more resilient building materials available for a floor and will remain sturdy and viable despite any unattractive stains they may pick up.

    Cost of Patching

    • Since patching a cork tile means removing the original tile and replacing it with a new one, the cost will be the price of at least one new cork tile -- possibly several if the damage continues to other tiles -- as well as the price of the adhesive. Cork tile typically ranges in price from $0.70 to $160 a square foot as of 2011, depending on the quality of the tile in question.