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How to Care for Rough Granite Stairs

Granite floors are durable due to their solid, rough texture that can withstand heavy foot traffic, but they must be maintained through regular stone washing and weekly dusting to minimize scratches. Stone soap is available at your local hardware store, and it will help maintain the shine of the granite stairs when used regularly. As with any stain or spill, immediate cleaning is required to minimize the damage to the stone's surface. For tougher stains, a professional cleaning technician is required to safely lift the stain from the stairs if the stain does not come off after washing.

Things You'll Need

  • Dust mop
  • Stone soap
  • Sponge
  • Paper towel
  • Soft cleaning cloth
  • Stair mat
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      Sweep the stairs with a dry dust mop to keep the stairs clear of dirt and debris that can scratch the surface. Use a dust mop that is not pre-treated with a chemical cleaner, as the chemical cleaner can permanently stain the granite.

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      Clean spills on the granite stairs by blotting the liquid with a paper towel. Avoid rubbing the paper towel against the stairs, as this can shred the paper towel and spread the liquid.

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      Wet a sponge with warm water, and wet the surface of the granite floors. Apply the stone soap onto the sponge, and gently buff the soap into the floors to create a lather.

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      Rinse the sponge with warm water, and rinse the floor with the wet sponge.

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      Blot the granite surface dry with a dry cleaning cloth to absorb moisture from the stairs.

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      Protect the stairs from scratching by placing a non-slip stair covering over the stairs. Remove the stair covering weekly and shake it out to remove dirt and dust.