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What Can I Use to Fill in Holes in My Laminate Floor?

Deep cuts and holes in your home’s laminate floor attract dust, dirt and debris. The cracks and holds are also unattractive and can become larger if left untended. Use a commercial repair kit designed for laminate flooring to fill the deep cuts and holes. The kits contain wax-like repair sticks that expand in the cuts and holes without having to remove the section of damaged flooring.
  1. Availability

    • Laminate flooring repair kits come with colored putty or wax-like sticks that are soft and capable of being sliced. The kits also come with recommendations, step-by-step instructions and warnings. Laminate flooring repair kits are available at hardware, home improvement and flooring supply stores. The kits are also available directly from laminate flooring manufacturers and authorized resellers as well as online hardware and flooring supply stores.


    • Wipe the area around and inside of the hole or deep cut with a soft cloth or rag to remove any dirt and debris. Wear latex or work gloves to keep dirt and debris off of your hands. Cut the colored putty or one or more wax-like sticks with a pair of scissors to the same size as the hole or deep cut. Place the colored putty or sticks in the hole or crack and smooth the substance down with a putty knife or paint scraper.


    • Let the filled hole or crack dry for the recommended amount of time stated in the laminate flooring repair kit's instruction manual. Do not walk or place objects on the repaired area and keep pets and children off of the area. Check the hole or crack after the substance is dry for indentations. If indentations are in the area, apply an additional layer of colored putty or additional wax-like stick to the hole or crack.

    Color Variations and Major Damage

    • Laminate flooring repair kits are also available containing different-colored putty or wax-like sticks such as dark walnut, light walnut and walnut variations. The putty works the same as kits containing only one color putty. Laminate flooring repair kits are only designed to fill holes and deep cracks. The substance is not designed to fill missing laminate flooring planks or large damaged sections. These issues require you to replace the damaged plank or section with one or more new laminate flooring planks.