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How to Make Driftwood-Colored Flooring

If you have hardwood floors that need to be refinished and you're looking to create a beachy or shabby chic look, choosing a driftwood-colored stain is ideal. While it may be impossible to recreate the unique swirls of driftwood on a floor, you can get very close with the color and with a few techniques, you can give the floor an authentic driftwood look and feel. Keep in mind that this project requires sanding the floors down to bare wood.

Things You'll Need

  • Floor sander
  • Sanding pads
  • Shop vac
  • Driftwood finish
  • Paintbrushes
  • Polyurethane
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      Seal off the room. Floor sanding creates an incredible amount of dust. Tape over any vents in the room, and hang plastic over doors and windows.

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      Strip the floors. Rent a floor sander and purchase three grades of sandpaper: heavy, medium and fine. While you can use a belt sander, it will take a lot more time. Go on the diagonal in one direction with a heavy grade of sandpaper. Go the other way in a diagonal with a medium grade. Finish by sanding with the grain with a fine grade. The floor sander will not reach the edges of the room; you will need to do this with an edge sander.

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      Create distressed areas. Use a hand sander to randomly gouge out portions of the floor, if you desire a distressed, true driftwood look.

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      Remove all the dust. Use a shop-vac to remove all the dust, particularly between the floorboards and on the edges of the room.

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      Apply a driftwood finish. Several commercial wood stain companies offer a driftwood stain. Apply this with a paintbrush and go with the grain of the wood. Apply one coat and let it dry. If you prefer a deeper color, manually sand the area lightly with a fine grade of sandpaper. Apply the second coat.

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      Polyurethane the floor. Use a clear coat of polyurethane to protect the wood finish. Lightly sand the whole floor manually and apply the first coat. Let it dry. Sand again and apply a second coat. Two coats should be sufficient.