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How to Repair a Cracked Cinder or Concrete Foundation

Foundations can crack overtime due to the settling of the building or by disturbances in the soil. Before you make any steps to repair the floor or walls of your foundation, have a structural engineer check to make sure the crack isn't severe. If the crack is minor, then repairing the crack is a simple process that most anyone can do.

Things You'll Need

  • Epoxy compound or polyurethane
  • Injection tube
  • Rotary sander
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    • 1

      Attach injection ports to the floor or wall with an epoxy paste and then seal the crack with the epoxy. Space the ports several inches apart. For cinder block, space the ports at least eight inches apart. The sealer will keep the injection epoxy of polyurethane from coming out the crack. Allow to dry for about an hour.

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      Inject the epoxy or polyurethane into the ports with the injection gun until the material starts to ooze out the next port. Start at one end of the crack and work your way to the other end. If you are working on a foundation wall, start at the bottom.

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      Cap each port as you finish with it.

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      Allow the material to dry for about 48 hours.

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      Knock the ports off by hitting them with a hammer.

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      Sand down the epoxy paste with a rotary sander.