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How to Sand Concrete After Filling Cracks

Time and weather often damage concrete. Cracks develop and lower the value of a home. There are many types of products used to repair these cracks, but after the repair has taken place, the concrete needs sanding to fit in with the rest of the concrete work and not look out of place. Following the repair of the crack, the area will need sanding to blend in with the rest of the wall, patio, floor or driveway.

Things You'll Need

  • Sweep broom
  • Concrete grinder
  • Grinder pads with varying coarseness
  • High-volume industrial vacuum
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      Sweep the area prior to sanding the concrete.

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      Adjust the height of the grinder so that the pads are not in direct contact with the concrete surface. Pushing down on the handle raises the grinding head just enough to remove the pressure on the pads and allows movement of the grinder to any location.

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      Place a rough grit pad under the head of the grinder. The process of sanding the concrete will involve replacing the pad often. You will work from very coarse grit pads to smooth grit pads.

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      Release the pressure on the pads before starting the motor. The motor will start and come up to speed quicker without the heavy load of the sanding operation. Once the grinder has reached operating speed, lower the pads until they contact the surface and begin grinding.

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      Turn on the vacuum as you begin grinding to remove the dust and particles that will accumulate during the grinding process.

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      Add a small amount of water to the surface as the grinder works to keep the dust level down.

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      Stop periodically and check the condition of the pad. If required, replace the pad with a new pad and resume grinding. The coarseness of the pads will progressively become smaller to form a smoother finish on the concrete. You will need to determine which coarseness matches the current finish of the concrete surface containing the crack.

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      Sweep up the sanding dust when finished and dispose of properly.