Home Garden

How to Kill Moss on Siding

Moss commonly grows in mats and clumps in damp, shady areas. While it can be decorative in gardens and natural settings, most homeowners do not care to have moss clinging to their home siding. Moss can be killed and cleaned off by simple methods; however, it should be noted that unless conditions change, it is likely to regrow in the same location. Wood siding is particularly vulnerable to damage from rot, since moss retains moisture.

Things You'll Need

  • Drop cloths
  • Plastic sheeting
  • Duct tape
  • Bucket
  • Liquid detergent
  • Oxygen bleach
  • Long-handled scrub brush
  • Pressure washer (optional)
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      Cover plants and flowers close to the home with drop cloths. Tape plastic sheeting over exterior electrical outlets.

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      Mix together a solution of 1 cup of liquid detergent and 1 cup of oxygen bleach in a bucket of warm water.

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      Pour the mixture into a garden sprayer or pressure washer. Do not use a pressure washer on wood siding.

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      Spray the moss liberally with the solution. Starting from the bottom up, work in small areas, and rinse with clear water before moving to the next area. If you're using a pressure washer on vinyl siding, start it at a low setting and keep the nozzle moving at all times to avoid denting the siding.

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      Scrub stubborn areas with a long-handled scrub brush until all the moss is removed. Examine the surface closely, as moss can regrow quickly if there is any left on the surface.