Home Garden

How to Fix a Broken Shed Door

A broken shed door is not fulfilling its mission of security and protection from the elements. The parts of the door that break most often are the hinges. Years of opening and closing the door weakens the hinges and may cause them to detach from the frame. You can fix a broken shed door with loose hinges by resetting the hinges. The job requires a modest amount of time and effort and some common household tools.

Things You'll Need

  • Electric drill
  • Driver bit
  • 1/8-inch wood drill bit
  • Pencil
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    • 1

      Install the correct type of driver bit, either Phillips or standard, into the chuck at the end of an electric drill. Depending on the type of drill you are using, the chuck opens and closes with a key or by hand. Loosen the chuck completely, install the bit and tighten the chuck.

    • 2

      Place the drill in reverse mode and remove the screws that hold the hinges to the frame. Once the hinges have been removed, lower the door and lay it on a hard, flat surface.

    • 3

      Remove the screws that attach the hinges to the door, again using the reverse drive on the drill.

    • 4

      Move the hinges up or down about 1/4 inch. This will allow you to fasten the screws to fresh wood, which will hold the hinges better. Mark the screw holes on the door through the hinges, using a pencil.

    • 5

      Install a 1/8-inch wood drill bit into the drill's chuck. Hold the drill at a 90-degree angle to the door and drill a pilot hole on each pencil mark you drew. Drill the hole about 1/8 inch deep.

    • 6

      Screw the hinges to the door using the new holes. Use the electric drill with the driver bit installed.

    • 7

      Hold the door to the door frame and mark the screw holes onto the frame through the hinges once the door is covering the opening properly. You may need someone to hold the door while you adjust it and mark the holes. Put the door aside.

    • 8

      Drill pilot holes on each of the pencil marks on the frame using the electric drill and the 1/8-inch wood bit. Hold the door up to the frame and align the holes in the hinges with the holes on the frame. Insert the screws using the electric drill and the driver bit.