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How to Repair a Detached Drywall Ceiling

Drywall, sheetrock or wallboard ceiling panels can detach and come off the joists, especially when a relatively heavy lighting fixture is fastened to it. When this happens, calling a handyman to repair the fallen ceiling first comes to mind, but if you're confident enough to climb a ladder and work with a power screwdriver; you could give the handyman fees to yourself. Here's how.

Things You'll Need

  • Wood screws - 1 3/4 inch
  • Power drill/screwdriver
  • Wood planks (or wallboard jack)
  • Drop cloth
  • Screwdriver
  • Pliers or small crowbar
  • Eye protection glasses
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      Remove furniture from the room or cover them with drop cloth. The repair will bring down some drywall material and dust.

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      Switch off the power source of the light fixture, preferably at the circuit breaker; then carefully uninstall the light fixture.

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      Pull out the old nails from the joists. Use a pair of pliers or small crowbar. You won't be able to reach all of them, but try to remove those that you can.

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      Push up the fallen drywall panel back in place using a wallboard jack or a couple of wood planks. A wallboard jack, which is sometimes available for rent at a home improvement center, is similar to a car jack and would be ideal for ceilings higher than 8 feet. For standard ceilings, 8-foot wood planks, which are relatively cheap (and reusable), would do the job just as well.

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      Thin scraps of wood or shims will help raise the wood planks a few inches if required. Be sure to secure the foothold of the wallboard jack or wood plank to prevent accidents; use a rubber mat if the support tends to slide across a smooth floor. A floor mat will also help protect the floor.

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      Reattach the panels to the joists with screws, making sure to drive the screws just flush to the surface for a smooth finish. Position the new screws about 1 to 2 inches away from the holes where the old nails popped off. Add a few more screws for added security.

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      Decide whether you want to re-tape, re-spackle and re-paint over the repair, or change the finish of the whole ceiling.

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      Decide whether you want to use the old light fixture or install a new one. Install light fixtures on the joists this time.