Home Garden

How to Remove Textured Popcorn Ceiling

At one time, textured "popcorn" ceilings were a popular finishing touch on new home construction. But after it collects a few years of hard-to-clean dust and, well, just looking outdated, you might decide you want to get rid of it. It is possible for you to undertake this task, but beware that it's a messy job.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic sheeting
  • Painter's tape
  • Resin paper
  • Garden sprayer
  • Wide putty knife or joint compound knife
  • Tin snips
  • Protective goggles
  • Stepladder
  • Trash bags
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      Scrape a little bit of the textured popcorn into a plastic bag and send it to a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency testing laboratory to have it tested for asbestos. If it contains asbestos, you need to hire a professional crew to remove it.

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      Remove all items from the room. Lay a plastic sheet over the entire floor and go up about a foot on all walls. Secure it to the walls with painter's tape. Cover all of the walls with the plastic sheets as well, securing them with painter's tape at the top of the wall. Lay out a layer of resin paper over the floor for additional protection and ease of cleanup.

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      Fill the garden sprayer with water. Spray a small area of the ceiling with the water and let it soak into the popcorn material.

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      Trim off the corners of the putty or joint compound knife with tin snips. Make them into rounded corners to help prevent any gouging of the drywall.

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      Part on protective goggles. Position the stepladder under the moistened area and start scraping the textured popcorn off. You might need to apply a little more water to get stuck-on areas free and clear. Continue this process throughout the entire room.

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      Remove the plastic from the walls and fold it on top of the resin paper on the floor. Roll up the resin paper and place it in trash bags.