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How to Install Wall Tile on the Ceiling

In certain instances you may want to tile a ceiling. For example, if you have a bathroom in a basement with a really low ceiling, adding tile to the ceiling will help prevent moisture penetration into the drywall and wood structure of your home. Tiling a ceiling can also provide a different and more unique look for an otherwise plain room in your home. Getting tile to adhere to a ceiling can prove to be slightly more tricky than tiling a wall, since gravity is working against you.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Chalk line
  • Tile adhesive
  • Toothed trowel
  • Wet saw
  • Rubber trowel
  • Sponge or rag
  • Eye protection
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      Lay out the tile pattern on the ceiling. You may want the tiles centered on the ceiling so each side has equal cut pieces. Do this by determining where the first full tile needs to start and snap two chalk lines perpendicular to each other along the tile's edges across the full length of the ceiling.

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      Mix up the tile adhesive or mastic according to the instructions on the bag. Adhesive that is too thick or too thin will prevent your tiles from adhering to the ceiling properly.

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      Spread the tile adhesive across the ceiling in sections encompassing approximately 6 square feet. Use the smooth side of the trowel to spread the adhesive, and then run over it with the toothed end of the trowel to create the necessary grooves that help hold the tile in place.

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      Press the first tile in place, twisting it back and forth slightly as you push it into the adhesive. Turn it until it's in the proper orientation, and then place the second tile. Place spacers between the two tiles to keep them no more than 1/4-inch apart from each other.

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      Place each additional tile into the adhesive and continue to use spacers to keep them the same distance apart. Spread more adhesive as necessary until all the full tiles are placed in position on the ceiling.

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      Measure each required cut tile and cut it on your wet saw. Spread adhesive on the back of each of these tiles and push them in place on the ceiling. Allow the adhesive to cure for about 24 hours before grouting.

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      Mix the grout with water and apply it over the tiles, using a rubber trowel. Wipe off any excess grout with a wet rag or sponge. Repeat this process approximately 30 and 60 minutes after applying the grout to remove any residual material.