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How to Remove Paint on the Ceiling With Sandpaper

Over time, paint can lose its bond with the ceiling and start to peel. If you have peeling paint on your ceiling, remove it using sandpaper. Even if you plan to cover your ceiling with ceiling tiles, you need to remove the paint so you can properly attach them to the ceiling. You may also need to remove old paint when preparing to repaint the ceiling, even if the old paint still adheres well to the ceiling. Sanding leads to a smoother surface that produces better painting results.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic sheets
  • Drop cloths
  • Masking tape
  • Mask or respirator
  • Putty knife
  • Sandpaper, 100-grit and 220-grit
  • Rag
  • Patching compound
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      Cover the walls with large plastic sheets using masking tape to keep them in place. Lay drop cloths all over the floor. This helps you clean up the space more easily after sanding.

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      Wear a mask or a respirator to protect yourself from sanding dust. This is especially important if you are working in an old home, where the paint may contain toxic lead fumes.

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      Scrape off any peeling paint with a putty knife. This removes the larger pieces of peeling paint.

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      Sand the ceiling with 100-grit sandpaper to remove any gloss or sheen. This also gets rid of loose or cracked paint.

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      Dampen a rag, and wipe the ceiling to remove any sanding dust.

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      Fill any holes or depressions in the ceiling with a patching compound. Dip a putty knife into the patching compound, and spread it over the damaged areas, smoothing out any edges.

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      Sand the ceiling again with 220-grit sandpaper, which has a finer texture. This helps the patched areas blend with the surrounding areas of the ceiling.

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      Wipe the ceiling again with a dampened rag to remove sanding dust.