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How to Cut Inside Corners Using a Miter Saw

Cutting inside corners with a miter saw, usually for crown molding or baseboard molding, is fairly easy and straightforward. Many carpenters prefer to use a coping saw for a better finished look when cutting inside corners but, unless your walls are extremely out of square, using a miter saw will do the job.

Things You'll Need

  • Molding
  • Miter saw
  • Fine grit sand paper
  • Wood putty
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      Set the miter saw at a 45-degree angle for the first cut. Firmly place the piece of molding against the miter saw guide so that the finish surface is facing you and cut the 45-degree angle on the end of the molding.

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      Adjust the miter saw to the opposite, 45-degree setting to cut the opposing angle. Again, place and hold the molding firmly and cut the 45-degree angle. You will now have two pieces of molding that, when butted together, form a 90-degree angle.

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      Sand the cut edges lightly with a fine grit sand paper to remove rough edges, then place the pieces of molding. Check the fit of the two pieces. It is likely that you may have a small gap due to the walls not being perfectly square. Fit them for the best appearance that you can and secure the molding in place.

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      Fill any small gaps with wood putty that matches the finish of the molding. If you are painting the molding, you can paint over the wood putty.