Home Garden

Vase Filler Ideas

Vases don't need to be used just for flowers. When made out of clear materials, these vessels can be filled with creative items to help anchor it, provide support to floral arrangements, or emphasize the theme of a party. With a little ingenuity, almost anything can be added to a vase to give it new life.
  1. Fillers from Mother Nature

    • Going into your own backyard or neighborhood park can provide you with creative fillers that will give your vase an elegant look. Mother Nature can provide such fillers as: sand, seashells, pine cones, acorns, stones, moss, bamboo reeds and ornamental grasses.


    • If you find yourself with a multitude of holiday ornaments and need a creative way to display them, place them in a vase. This is a perfect for those who have children or pets that might injure themselves on a broken ornament.


    • Use rose petals and lavender buds in any size vase to naturally make a room smell sweet. For a stronger scent, place purchased potpourri in a vase with a flameless candle nestled among the dried flowers and wood chips.

    Live Fillers

    • For an interesting filler, use a fish or small aquatic frog in a vase that's big enough to promote oxygen circulation. Placing a live plant on the top of the base can help oxygen circulate and prevent the creature from jumping out of the vase. Just make sure, however, that the plant you use is safe for the swimming creatures to be around and has not been treated with pesticides or herbicides. For some extra color, add colored glass marbles to the bottom of the vase.

    Edible Fillers

    • Edible fillers add an interesting look to kitchen and dining room tables. Popular food items to use as vase fillers include rice, coffee beans, assorted nuts, fruits, fortune cookies, dry pasta and candy.

    Water-Storing Crystals

    • Special gel crystals are available to use in vases to help keep cut flowers fresh. They are sold as a mix that resembles ice after they absorb water. Mix the crystals with glitter, sequins and beads to add color to the arrangement. If the crystals become cloudy-looking, simply rinse them with water.

    Submersible LED Lights

    • Placing a submersible LED light into a vase will make centerpiece look like it's magically glowing. These lights come in a variety of colors and can be placed under floating candles, under marbles anchoring a floral arrangement, or just at the bottom of a vase containing a bouquet.