Home Garden

How to Make a Rag Rug

Braided rag rugs add a homey feel to any house and can add to the existing decor by using a color scheme that fits each room. They can be made in any size and a variety of shapes and can be utilitarian or a beautiful addition to your interior decoration. The ease with which you can make them adds to the appeal--if you can braid, you can make a rag rug.


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      Choose the fabrics that you will use to make your rag rug. If you have a color scheme you want to enhance, find either material scraps around your home or buy them at a fabric store. The texture and thickness you choose will decide both the look of the rug and the amount of wear and tear it can take.

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      Cut or tear the material into 2 or 3 inch strips. The width will depend on the thickness of the fabrics. Thinner fabrics should be cut wider and thicker fabrics should be cut thinner to ensure a uniform look to your rug.

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      Decide which method you will use to sew the strips together. You can either sew the lengths together before you begin braiding (which may cause tangling but goes faster), or sew them together as you go. To connect the strands place them together at right angles and then sew them diagonally across the resulting square. Cut the excess material to decrease bulkiness and increase seam strength.

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      Choose the shape of rug you wish to make, either oval or rectangular. If you choose a rectangular shape for your rag rug you braid the strips until you reach the desired length and then cut, tie and begin the next strip. For an oval or round rug, you many continue braiding the strands until you have a length long enough to create the size rug you want.

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      Find a steady base to attach the strips to which will not move, such as a doorknob or bedpost. Once the strands are attached begin braiding strips in a 3-strand braid. Any number of strands may be used, but the number of strips affects the ease with which you braid. When the strip of braid is finished, cut off the excess material connected to the spindle and tie the ends.

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      Begin the lacing (or sewing) process once you have finished braiding the rag rug. The exception to this rule involves the rectangular rug. You may want to lace together the braided sections as you go to ensure that the lengths of each braid are the same. Using a thick lacing thread (available at most fabric stores) or string, and lace the strands together.

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      Lace the braids together at a diagonal until you reach the end of the strip. Turn the rug and return to the opposite end, lacing it in shoelace fashion and do the same for each strip. If you are braiding an oval rug, turn the braid a short distance from the beginning and continue to sew in a circular pattern, each strand increasing the size of the rug.

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      Cut the ends of each row evenly for a rectangular rug and tack them together. For an oval rug, tuck the end neatly under the rug and lace into place. If you follow all of these steps carefully, you will have a rug that will weather heavy traffic and last many years.