Home Garden

When to Replace Your Wall-to-Wall Carpet

Replacing wall-to-wall carpet is something that most homeowners will face sometime in their lives. Knowing when to change the carpet might depend on the wear and tear of the carpet and the household budget. Start looking for telltale signs of a worn carpet and decide from that point whether or not the carpet needs to be replaced.
  1. High-Traffic Areas

    • High-traffic areas are particularly susceptible to carpet fibers becoming frayed or packed down. Once the fibers start to wear and thin out, no amount of vacuuming and cleaning will bring the carpet back to life. To prevent premature aging of carpet fibers, vacuum the carpet daily to remove dirt particles so they do not become embedded in the carpet. The constant grinding of dirt into the fibers takes its toll on carpets.

    Faded Color

    • There's nothing pretty about a faded carpet, and it will certainly detract from the decor of the room. Direct sunlight hitting on carpet causes fading which may not be noticeable until you decide to rearrange the furniture. Another cause of fading is the calcium chloride used to melt snow and ice. Take precautions by removing footwear before walking on the carpet or laying down area rugs.

    Pet Stains

    • Pet urine leaves behind stains and odors that will probably influence your decision to purchase new carpet. Carpet cleaners remove stains when the stains are treated quickly; however, urine that has penetrated through the carpet and into the pad is likely to leave a bad odor behind.

    Flood Damage

    • Trying to salvage carpet damaged by flooding could cause problems later. Mold, bacteria and odors are likely to become future problems. Another problem to consider is the unseen damage to the flooring underneath the carpet. The possibility of the carpet shrinking and developing ripples is another result of water damage.


    • An outdated style and color of carpet makes your home look and feel old. Give your home an update by removing old carpet and replacing it with new carpet, tile or even hardwood flooring.

    Carpet Age

    • Determining the life expectancy of carpet involves many factors, but overall appearance will be the deciding factor. The quality of the carpet plays an important role in its lifespan, as well as the care given to the carpet. Carpet maintenance includes frequent vacuuming and shampooing the carpet. The number of people who live in the home and their ages will also factor into the longevity of the carpet.