Home Garden

How to Cover a Bed to Make It Look Like a Couch

To maximize your home's space, your guest room may perform double duty as a den or office. If this is the case, the room most likely contains a bed, giving the room an overall appearance of a bedroom regardless of its most common purpose. One way to change the overall look of the room is to make the bed look more like a couch, allowing the room to be easily used for watching television and entertaining guests. The trick to this transformation is to make two fitted back cushions and a fitted mattress cover for the bed. Making these pieces is not difficult.

Things You'll Need

  • Fitted sheet
  • Seam ripper
  • Scissors
  • Fabric
  • Sewing machine
  • Pins
  • Elastic
  • Sheet suspenders
  • 3-inch foam
  • Electric carving knife
  • Duct tape
  • Hook and loop tape
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    • 1

      Find an older fitted sheet that fits the mattress snugly. Remove the mattress and fit the same sheet over the box spring. It should fit the box spring as well. Remove the sheet and rip the corner seams on the sheet. Cut off the elastic as close to the elastic as you can. Measure your elastic sections. Iron your sheet flat. This will give you a pattern. Measure the width and length of your fabric pattern.

    • 2

      Select an upholstery fabric that looks like couch material. Look at micro suede in a pleasing neutral color. Buy the correct width and three times the length of fabric. Buy twice the length of elastic.

    • 3

      Cut out two pieces using your fabric pattern including ½-inch seam allowances. Also add an extra 2 to 3-inches along your elastic edge. Turn your corners so face sides are together and sew a ½-inch seam. Repeat for both pieces. Cut your elastic 4-inches shorter than your original measurement and sew the elastic into the hem around the inside bottom of each cover. Fit one cover over the box spring and one over the mattress. If they aren't snug, you can tighten them with sheet suspenders.

    • 4

      Measure the width and length of your mattress. Purchase 3-inch foam to this size. Cut the foam in half lengthwise. Fold the foam in half and wrap duct tape around the foam 4-inches from each end and in the center. This will create two back cushions.

    • 5

      Cut your remaining fabric in half lengthwise. Fit the fabric over the back cushion with face sides together and pin along each side. Cut your fabric allowing for a ½-inch seam allowance. Remove the fabric and sew a seam along your pin line on each side. Leave your bottom seam open. Repeat for each cushion.

    • 6

      Measure the width of your bottom opening. Cut the hook and loop tape to length. Turn your fabric right side out. Fold each raw edge under ½-inch and sew half of the tape to each piece of fabric. Insert your cushion and seal the hook and loop tape together. Repeat for your second cushion.

    • 7

      Arrange your mattress with the long side against the wall. Fit the top and bottom couch covers over the mattress and box spring. Position the two large fitted cushions against the wall. Arrange a few accent pillows along the couch and you are ready to watch movies with friends.