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What Color Do I Paint My Living Room Ceiling to Make the Room Look Larger & Brighter?

Creating an inviting and attractive living room requires special attention to the paint choices used in the room. Using certain colors on the ceiling of the room improves the spaciousness of the entire area. Painting your ceiling also helps drastically change a living room without painting all the walls or changing the structure.
  1. Earth Tones

    • The right shades of green or brown on the ceiling adds a feeling of coziness while still making the room feel larger. Light, warm brown and green options work best, according to Apartment Ratings, because they make the room seem brighter. Dark or cool tones lower the amount of reflected light and are overwhelming when used on a ceiling in a small room. Use neutral colors in the rest of the room to prevent colors from clashing with your earth tones.


    • A soft yellow shade appears brighter to the eye than plain white, according to Sherwin-Williams Paint Company. Try painting a yellow ceiling in a room with little lighting to encourage a brighter environment. Paints with a reflective finish, such as semi- or high-gloss, bounce more light into the room than flat-finish paints. If the room uses lights that shine onto the ceiling, a semi-gloss yellow paint will reflect the most light back down into the room.

    Low Contrast

    • No matter what color you use for the rest of the room, adding a ceiling color that has a low contrast to the walls makes a room seem larger and more open, according to Benjamin Moore Paint. With dark or vibrant colors on walls, a white ceiling can cause an abrupt visual change that makes the ceiling appear lower. A slightly lighter shade of the wall color presents a more natural transition.

    Light Blue

    • Using a pale blue color on your living room ceiling creates the illusion of a larger room while reflecting light. Soft pastel tones also reflect more light back into the room than darker or vibrant hues, according to Goderich Hydro. Painting on clouds or a cloud-inspired stipple pattern is your choice, but the addition of white can increase reflectively and brighten the room. Any ceiling textures should be removed before you paint patterns on a living room ceiling.