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How to Make a Glass Bubble Chandelier

Chandeliers bring style and elegance to any room in any home. However, traditional crystal chandeliers often are heavy and dated. If you want Old World elegance with a modern twist, try a glass bulb chandelier. These hanging light fixtures feature bundles of glowing glass bubbles gathered around a central light. They brighten a dinner table or entryway with refracted light and a touch of modern whimsy. Glass bubble chandeliers also are a DIY project that you can customize to your tastes and style.

Things You'll Need

  • Fishing line
  • Scissors
  • Pendant light
  • Toggle clasp bars
  • Clear glass ornaments
  • Screwdriver
  • Ribbon
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    • 1

      Cut up to 30 lengths of fishing line about 1 foot longer than your pendant light. For instance, if your pendant light measures 2 feet long, the fishing line pieces should be about 3 feet long.

    • 2

      Tie one end of each piece of fishing line to the ring in the bar half of a toggle clasp. These clasps feature straight bars that pass through rings to hold jewelry together. All you need, in this case, are the bars.

    • 3

      Pull the metal caps off of all of your clear glass ornaments. Slide a toggle bar vertically down into each glass bulb. Once inside, the bars should dangle horizontally and catch when they reach the openings in the ornaments. This holds the ornaments in place on your chandelier.

    • 4

      Remove the shade from your pendant lamp, unscrewing the shade from the top of the bulb fixture, if necessary. Discard the shade; you don't need it anymore.

    • 5

      Bundle the ornaments around the bare pendant light bulb, arranging them to your liking. They'll hang naturally at different lengths and look a bit like an upside-down flower bouquet.

    • 6

      Begin wrapping the fishing line and pendant light cords in ribbon just above the light bulb assembly. Wrap tightly to secure the fishing line attached to the ornaments. Tie the ribbon off at the top of the pendant light cord and cut away any excess ribbon.