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How to Build a Chandelier out of Many Light Bulbs

Selecting the right light fixture for a room is a big decision because it can change the entire atmosphere. Dim or inadequate lighting can make a room feel small and shadowy, while a fixture that is too large or too bright can be overwhelming. If you are looking for the perfect fixture for a room in your house, you don't have to spend lots of money on something expensive from a retailer. You can build your own chandelier using a variety of light bulbs you may already have around the house.

Things You'll Need

  • Light bulbs
  • Hanging light fixture
  • Wire cutters
  • Fine-gauge wire
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    • 1

      Gather an assortment of light bulbs. You may choose to use light bulbs of various sizes, but your chandelier will be most attractive if you use large, round bulbs.

    • 2

      Select a hanging light fixture to use as the core of your chandelier. The fixture may have one main light source or several smaller ones, and it should have a plain cord or rod that can be attached to the ceiling. The ideal type of fixture to use is one that consists of one or several light-emitting diode (LED) lights housed in a plastic casing that will produce little heat.

    • 3

      Install the hanging light fixture in the desired position on the ceiling by following the manufacturer's instructions. It will be easiest if you are able to simply switch out an existing light fixture so you do not have to change the wiring in the room.

    • 4

      Cut 12-inch lengths of fishing line to use to connect the additional light bulbs to the hanging light fixture. You will need one piece of fishing line for every light bulb you intend to attach.

    • 5

      Tie the pieces of fishing line around the ends of each light bulb. Apply a small dab of hot glue over the knot to further secure the fishing line to the end of the bulb.

    • 6

      Attach the additional light bulbs to the hanging light fixture by tying the other end of each piece of fishing line around the fixture's cord. Begin by attaching four light bulbs at an equal length so they hang below the fixture. The additional bulbs will not be attached to the electrical line; they will simply enhance the appearance of the chandelier and serve to reflect the light from the fixture.

    • 7

      Install additional light bulbs higher up the cord so their bottoms rest on top of the first four bulbs. Continue to layer the light bulbs, creating a bubble-like pattern, until all of them have been attached.

    • 8

      Turn on the light bulb chandelier to see how it looks in the room. You may choose to add more light bulbs or change their arrangement after you have seen the completed project.