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How to Change Ceiling Tiles on a Dropped Ceiling

Tiles in a dropped ceiling are designed to be interchangeable and generally last for many years. Over time, however, these tiles become brittle, stained or discolored, resulting in an unsightly ceiling. While these tiles are not difficult to replace, they are fragile, requiring careful handling to avoid chipping or breaking them completely. Replacement tiles are available from home improvement stores. In some cases, you may have to cut a new tile to fit the framework; this can be done with a standard utility knife.

Things You'll Need

  • Drop cloth
  • Safety glasses
  • Stepladder (optional)
  • Utility knife
  • Scrap corrugated cardboard
  • Yardstick or straightedge
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    • 1

      Move furniture from the area where tiles are being replaced. Cover the project area with a drop cloth. Removing old tiles often results in chunks of debris and dust falling out of the ceiling assembly -- the drop cloth makes for an easier cleanup.

    • 2

      Put on safety glasses -- ideally, those that enclose the area surrounding your eyes completely. Removing tiles results in a lot of debris falling, especially if the tiles haven't been moved in a long time.

    • 3

      Position a stepladder beneath the tile that needs replacement if you cannot comfortably push the tiles up while standing on the floor. Climb the ladder, if necessary, and push up on the damaged tile to loosen it from the framework. Push it in various areas, such as corners and the center, if it seems stuck. Grab the tile once it pops completely upward, pulling it down at an angle to remove it from the frame structure.

    • 4

      Compare the old tile to a new one by setting the old on top of the new. If they are the same size, skip to Step 6, as the tile is ready to install. If the titles are not the same size, align one edge of the old tile perfectly with the new, then lightly score the new tile with a utility knife, using the old tile as a template.

    • 5

      Set the new scored tile on a piece of scrap cardboard to protect the work surface from cuts. Align a yardstick or straightedge with the scored mark on the tile. Slice all the way through the tile by making several passes with a sharp utility knife. Keep the cut edges square so the tile will fit snugly in the ceiling framework.

    • 6

      Slide the new tile into the hole by holding it at an angle. Once it's up above the framework, position it horizontally, lining it up with the framework below. Gently lower your hands, adjusting as needed until the tile drops snugly into place.