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How to Make Your Garage Into a Kids' Room

If you are limited in space but you would like to add a playroom for your kids, converting your garage into a kids' room is a practical solution. Many garages are stacked full of clutter, and this project will give you the opportunity to reclaim the space and better utilize it. After working on the structure and insulation of the garage, add color, accessories and defined spaces to transform your garage into an ideal kids' room.

Things You'll Need

  • Paint
  • Furniture
  • Accessories
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      Install new flooring. Many garages have concrete floors that are not practical for a kids' room. Install flooring that will function for the kids' room, and to park your car if it will be a dual-purpose space. Two good options are rubber flooring or tile. Use a softer flooring like carpet if you will not park your car inside the new kids' room.

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      Finish the space if applicable. Insulate the space, waterproof it and add drywall. Hire an electrician to wire additional outlets. Contact an HVAC specialist to add the garage to the home's heating and air conditioning systems.

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      Paint the garage. Use bright colors that will inspire and energize children, such as yellow, green or orange. Use different shades of paint to define different spaces.

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      Place your furniture to define spaces. Angle a sectional couch toward a corner of the room for a television viewing and video game area. Place plastic role-playing furniture pieces in another area away from the TV area. Place a comfortable chair or loveseat in a corner to make a reading nook. Point an easel away from the other areas to define your art space.

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      Add storage. Place a large armoire in the toy area. Place many baskets and containers inside the armoire for your children to easily sort and put away items when they are finished playing with them. Label the containers or attach a small picture indicating the contents on the front of each container to help younger children sort the items. Place a brochure rack in the reading area to keep favorite books visible and encourage the kids to read. Add built-in storage to other walls for more storage. Place pop-up storage bins labeled with each child's name to hold toys or stuffed animals.

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      Accessorize. Add a patterned rug to the floor. Add lamps and light fixtures so the room is not as dark as the previous garage. Hang posters, pictures and shelves on the walls. Form a canopy with drapes in the reading nook. Cut small panels of colorful fabric and nail to a bookshelf or storage piece to hide the contents. Add ottomans for extra storage and seating. Place favorite toys on shelves for decoration. String a laundry line between two walls to showcase handmade art.