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How to Make Origami Ivy

Origami is the art of folding squares of paper into shapes that resemble other objects. Many origami enthusiasts and artists construct elegant, sophisticated plants such as ivy. For this it is necessary to make a number of leaves. You can make any size leaf, and the finished size of leaf depends on the size of the paper square you begin with. Although the folding of one origami ivy leaf is simple enough, it takes patience and time to make enough leaves for a paper sculpture of any size.

Things You'll Need

  • Square of green origami paper
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    • 1

      Fold a square of green origami paper in two diagonally. If the paper is colored only on one side, the green side inside should be inside the folded paper. Now you have a triangle shape.

    • 2

      Place the triangle on a table with folded side toward the bottom and the open, pointed side on top. Fold the top layer of the right side of the triangle toward the bottom so it covers about one-third of the distance to the bottom. Flip the model over and fold the other layer of the same edge to the opposite side the same distance so the newly folded edges line up.

    • 3

      Turn the model 180 degrees so the point is now on the bottom and the two newly folded edges are on the right side. Fold the top layer of the left edge upward so the point and left edge meets the top side of the triangle. Now you have two green flaps turned up on the lower left and right sides of the triangle. Flip the model over and make an identical fold on the other side of the paper.

    • 4

      Turn the triangle so the point is on top. Fold the left point toward the middle of the triangle about ¼ inch so the crease you make is about parallel to the left edge of the flap near the middle of the triangle. Crease and unfold. Fold again, making another crease about ¼ inch from the first. Continue creasing and folding until you have five or six creases. These creases form the veins of the finished ivy leaf. Open the triangle. Now you should see the green side, and it will have diagonal veins converging down the center line.

    • 5

      Turn the model so the end without veins is on top. Turn the model over. You should be able to feel the layers of paper under the flaps. Fold the top point toward the middle and crease at the point where the layers of paper are thickest. Fold the point back up about ¼ inch from the previous fold. Now there is a triangular flap at the top of the model with a seam running vertically down the middle.

    • 6

      Grasp the model with your right hand and place your thumb and the base of the triangular flap. With the other hand, squeeze the triangle’s sides together so that it creases at the vertical seam. This forms the stem of the ivy leaf.

    • 7

      Flip the model over. Place your right thumb at the base of the stem that is now sticking out from under the leaf. Hold the stem in the thumb and forefinger of the other hand. Squeeze the these three fingers together to give the leaf a slightly concave shape.