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How to Separate Hydrangeas for a Flower Arrangement

Hydrangeas feature delicate blue, white, lavender or pink blooms and a heady floral scent. The flowers grow on shrubs with clusters of blooms. Use sweet-smelling hydrangeas to create showy flower arrangements for any type of special occasion, from a baby shower to a wedding reception. Hydrangea arrangements make ideal table centerpieces for any blue- or pink-themed soirees. Before you can make an arrangement, you need to separate large hydrangea clusters so that the blooms will fit into a vase.

Things You'll Need

  • Sharp knife or florist's scissors
  • Vase
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      Cut hydrangea bunches into single stems using a sharp knife or florist's scissors.

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      Trim the hydrangea stems to fit the vessel you are using to hold the flower arrangement. Snip the stems at angles to ensure maximum water absorption when the blooms are resting in the vase. Vary the stems' lengths by 1/2-inch increments to create an interesting arrangement.

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      Separate the hydrangea stems by flower color before creating the arrangement. Create an all-pink or all-blue floral arrangement, or use a combination of colors. Place one blue hydrangea in the center of the vase and surround it with pink flowers, or design an arrangement using two pink, two white and two blue hydrangeas as another option.

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      Place the cut hydrangea stems into a water-filled vase immediately to keep the flowers fresh.