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How to Make Large Flower Arrangements

Flowers are perfectly structured, unique living objects. People give flowers as gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day and other special occasions. Flowers come in many different shapes and sizes. Some are very tiny, and others, like the sunflower, can be quite large. Putting together a flower arrangement using only larger flowers means fewer flowers, but they are no less beautiful.

Things You'll Need

  • Flowers
  • Garden snips
  • Vase or basket
  • Greenery
  • Baby's breath
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      Choose a large vase or a large basket. Creating a large flower arrangement, whether you are using large flowers or just a large container, does require a vase or basket that is larger than standard size. Examples: a basket at least 18 inches long by 12 inches wide or a vase at least 9 inches wide at the opening.

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      Gather together some large flowers. Although the flower arrangement can contain smaller flowers, larger flowers will look more natural in a large container. Cut some greenery and baby's breath for fillers.

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      Cut the stems of the flowers long enough to fit the depth of the vase or the length of the basket--probably 9 inches. Remove any extra leaves from the stems so they do not take away from the beauty of the flower or interfere in the placement of the stem.

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      Place the stems into the vase or lay them across the length of the basket. Adjust the flowers in a staggered structure so some flowers stand or lay taller than others. This gives the large flower arrangement a cascading appearance.

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      Insert the filler material after the larger flowers are positioned. Find some tiny flowers in the same color shades as the large flowers and place them in the arrangement as well for a little extra color and beauty.