Home Garden

How to Cut Flowers for Preservation

Preserving the beauty of flowers so that they can be enjoyed over a longer period of time is a popular hobby. Whether the flowers are from your garden or you receive them already cut in a bouquet or arrangement, it can be a simple task to prepare them for long-term preservation. By following a few guidelines, you will be able to see the lasting loveliness in the delicate petals for years to come.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden shears
  • Sharp utility knife (non-serrated)
  • Water
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      Cut flowers when they are at their peak of beauty. The best time of the day to cut flowers is in the morning, when they are fully opened, and after any dew has dried.

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      Place the flower stems into a vase filled with lukewarm water while you prepare the materials and the container you will use to preserve the flowers.

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      Remove the flowers from the lukewarm water and cut the stems off at a new cut that is a 45-degree angle. Place the newly cut stems back into the water immediately after cutting them to lessen the shock to the stems.

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      Place the flowers into the prepared container for preserving. If you will be drying the flowers, they should be placed upside down into the container.