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How to Carpet Ceilings

Carpet isn't just for floors anymore. Enterprising homeowners looking to cut down on echo or make a room warmer are installing carpeting on the walls and ceiling as well. Even if you already love your wall color, the ceiling can present a problem. Rather than trying to match or contrast it with your walls, draw the eye upward by matching the ceiling to the floor. Carpeted ceilings make a room look warm, cozy and finished. They also insulate the room against drastic temperature changes and cut down on noise from above.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Chalk
  • Stepladders
  • Chalk line
  • Carpet tiles
  • Poster tack
  • Utility knife
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    • 1

      Measure across one of your walls and divide the resulting number by two to find the center of the wall. Mark the center of the wall, as close to the top as you can, with a piece of chalk. Repeat with each wall.

    • 2

      Place two stepladders on opposite walls, positioning them directly under two of your center marks. Hand one end of a chalk line to a friend and grab the other end yourself. Tug on the chalk line to stretch it across the room.

    • 3

      Climb the stepladders and hold the chalk line against the ceiling. It should lead straight from the center of one wall to the center of the other, bisecting the ceiling cleanly. Pull down on the chalk line and let go, snapping it along the ceiling and creating a straight mark. Repeat in the other direction, creating a plus sign on your ceiling.

    • 4

      Place a dot of poster tack in each corner of each of your carpet tiles. Press the first four tiles into place at the center of your plus sign. Add the rest of the tiles around the first four, working outward to the edges of the ceiling. The poster tack holds the tiles temporarily to help you avoid mistakes.

    • 5

      Measure the spaces left over at the edges of the ceiling to see how wide your edge tiles must be. Measure twice to check the width and cut the tiles to size with a utility knife. Use poster tack to secure these tiles as well.

    • 6

      Survey the tiles to check if they're all square and fit on your ceiling properly. The edges should be flush and the entire ceiling must be covered.

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      Starting in the center of the ceiling, remove the clear plastic backing from each tile and press it into place on the ceiling. Pay special attention to the corners, lining up the edges of each square exactly.