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Stucco Cinder Block Wall Instructions

Like paint, stucco is a versatile surface cover that can be applied to a number of surfaces and a variety of structure material. Applying stucco to a very textured, stony surface like cinder block or brick takes a few steps out of the process.

Things You'll Need

  • Bucket
  • Stucco finish layer
  • Rake
  • Trowel
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    • 1

      Mix the stucco finish layer in the bucket. Be sure to pay attention to how much water you add to the mix. If you add too much water, the layer will be too thin and wind up not sticking to the wall.

    • 2

      With the rake and trowel, apply the finish to the cinder block in a half-inch thick layer. Use sweeping gestures to ensure that the layer maintains an even thickness throughout. Also, be sure to play with textures to make the surface more interesting.

    • 3

      Let the stucco dry completely. If the weather is wet or very humid, you'll need to protect the surface from the weather so it can dry properly. This will take about 12 hours.