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Instructions on Faux Painting

Application of faux painting can make any room dramatic. There are several different methods, ranging from the very complicated to the extremely easy. Calling in a professional may be the way to go for faux painting effects such as trompe l'oeil, Venetian plaster and crackle finishes, but for a simple do-it-yourself project, try the "plastique" technique. The plastique effect results in a textural, mottled look in shades of the same color, according to This Old House online.

Things You'll Need

  • Primer
  • Latex paint
  • Latex-tinted glaze
  • Paint brushes
  • Painting tape
  • Plastic bags or sponges
  • Bucket for mixing
  • Paint stir stick
  • Drop cloth
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    • 1

      Put your drop cloth down to protect your floor and use painter's tape to tape off the line between the wall and the ceiling and any trim that you don't want painted.

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      Paint two coats of primer on the wall. Apply a base coat of latex paint with a satin or semigloss finish. If you find that there are spaces on the wall where paint is missing, you may want to apply another coat.

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      Mix five parts of the latex-tinted glaze with one part of latex paint, using your paint stir stick.

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      Apply the glaze mixture by pressing it onto the wall with a bunched up plastic shopping bag or sponge. If you plan to add a second glaze in a lighter shade of the same color, apply the darker color first. Start at the top corner and put down an even pattern.

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      Use a clean piece of plastic or sponge to apply the second, lighter color latex paint. Put the lighter color in a pattern over the first, darker color. The two colors will appear blended.

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      Stand back and inspect the wall. If you see any area that is too dark, correct by applying some of the lighter color glaze. On the other hand, if you see areas that are too light, apply some of the darker color to even it out. The look you want to achieve is up to you.

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      Allow time for the paint to dry.