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How to Paint Textured Bathroom Ceilings

Texture on ceilings adds interesting character to a small bathroom and helps with acoustical sounds. Texture is often applied by hand with a trowel for a stucco look. Paint the plaster a variety of colors for different looks. A darker ceiling gives the feel of a small, cozy enclosed space. Lighter-colored plaster makes the bathroom feel open and larger. Remember to test a variety of ladders -- bathrooms are hard to maneuver and not all equipment properly fits into small, tight spaces when painting bathroom textures.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic
  • Dropcloths
  • Dusting rag
  • Painter's tape
  • Plastic putty knife
  • Paintbrush
  • Flat sheen paint
  • Paint tray
  • Paint roller - heavy nap roller
  • Paint pole
  • Angled brush
  • Chip brush
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      Cover all bathroom fixtures with plastic, including towel bars, toilet bowls, cabinets and other exposed items. Place plastic inside the bathtub or shower. Evenly lay dropcloths on the floor and smooth away all wrinkles. Dust the corners of the bathroom with a dusting rag to remove dirt buildup. Remove all light fixtures and cover remaining portions with plastic. Do not use the light fixture to prevent plastic from melting.

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      Place painter's tape around the perimeter of the ceiling, directly onto adjoining wall. Use 2-inch tape or larger. Rub down the tape firmly with a plastic putty knife to avoid paint leaks. Using a paintbrush, apply the wall color onto the edge of the tape where the ceiling and tape edge meet. This will seal off the edge, and if any paint slightly leaks, it will only be the wall color and not be noticeable.

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      Pour flat sheen paint into a paint tray. Attach a paint pole to the paint roller. Use a heavy-nap roller and slightly roll in the tray so the entire roller is covered. Roll the paint onto the ceiling using light, medium strokes in one direction. Do not apply heavy pressure. Continue to roll as close to the edge as possible, and paint the entire ceiling. Add a second or even third layer of paint if required.

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      Dip an angled brush into the ceiling paint. Glide it along the edge of the ceiling's perimeter to paint any areas the roller could not reach. Dab a chip brush into any crevices in the texture where paint was unable to reach.

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      Carefully remove all plastic and dropcloths from bathroom. Many times, paint will splatter when painting a ceiling. Allow it to dry for about 24 to 48 hours before showering or using the tub to take a hot bath.