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How to Antique White Cabinets

Kitchen cabinets come in every style, color and material, from metal and laminates to wood. Applying an antique finish to white cabinets can change the whole look and feel of a kitchen. Sand and prime the surface with milk paint, which is made from quicklime and casein, a protein found in milk, and comes in powdered form. Milk paint is deceptively tough and dries to a beautiful old-looking ivory finish. This paint is widely available at home-improvement centers and hardware stores.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Plastic tarp
  • Sandpaper
  • Damp cloth
  • Acrylic-bonding primer
  • Milk paint
  • Gold paint
  • Plastic container
  • Stirring stick
  • Paintbrushes
  • Drawer and cabinet pulls
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      Remove drawer and cabinet hardware with a screwdriver. Remove hinges and take out cabinet doors and drawers. Place doors and drawers on a plastic tarp in the work area.

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      Go over all the surfaces you plan to antique, including trim, cabinet and drawer faces, with medium-grit sandpaper. Wipe the surfaces with a water-dampened cloth after sanding to remove dust. Apply a coat of acrylic-bonding primer with a paintbrush, letting it dry for four hours before continuing.

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      Mix equal parts powdered milk paint and water with a stirring stick in a plastic container until the paint has the consistency of heavy cream. Make only as much paint as you need, because it will spoil within a couple of days. Milk paint will give the cabinets a soft, mellow look. Let the paint dry for four hours, and then apply a second coat.

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      Touch up areas like corners and edges with gold paint to add a little extra character and depth, using an artist's paintbrush.

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      Purchase and install replacement knobs, handles and drawer pulls that are gold, brass, glass or porcelain to add a finishing touch.