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Painting a Laminated Surface to Look Like Wood

Laminated surfaces can be redone to look like real wood, but they can be difficult to paint without the proper preparation. The extremely smooth surface of laminated objects makes it difficult for paint to adhere, so the use of sandpaper, primer and specially designed paints is necessary to avoid peeling and chipping.

Things You'll Need

  • 120-grit sandpaper
  • Masking tape
  • Grease-cutting cleanser
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Damp cloth
  • Laminate primer
  • Special laminate paint
  • Faux wood paint kit
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      Remove all knobs and pulls from cabinets and drawers.

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      Unhinge doors and refinish them separately if possible. If doors can’t be removed, use masking tape over any exposed hinges.

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      Wipe down all surfaces to be painted with a degreasing cleanser. Rinse with clear water and allow to dry.

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      Sand the laminated surface with the sandpaper prior to painting. Sanding will create a rougher surface that will allow primer or paint to better stick.

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      Vacuum away any dust created while sanding and wipe the surface down with a damp cloth.

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      Prime the surface before you begin painting. Use a primer designed specifically for laminated surfaces. If you properly prime the laminated surface, you can then use any type of paint you desire to create a faux wood finish.

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      Skip the primer by using the proper paint. Special paints are available that are designed to be applied directly on laminate surfaces. Select a shellac-based product rather than water-based, as it will dry quickly and will usually be cured and ready to accept finishing paint within 45 minutes. Water-based products when applied to laminate can take two weeks or longer to fully cure.