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How to Make Octopus Pots

With its squirming eight legs and numerous tentacles, an octopus can seem more like a creature from another planet rather than an ocean-dwelling animal. For children fascinated by marine life or who are learning about the octopus in school, make a craft project to go along with the theme. An octopus pot can serve as a home for plants or hang from the ceiling in a decorative fashion, depending on the way you turn it.

Things You'll Need

  • Terra cotta pot
  • Acrylic paint
  • Paint brush
  • Craft foam
  • Scissors
  • Craft glue
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    • 1

      Decide whether you want to use the finished pot for planting or for decoration. Turn a plain terra cotta pot facing upwards for planting or upside-down for hanging décor.

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      Use acrylic paint to cover the pot in the color of your choice. Use green, blue, pink or other bright colors for a more cartoonish octopus or grey or brown for a more realistic octopus. Let the paint dry overnight.

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      Paint on the octopus face on the front of the pot. Glue on googly eyes as an alternative to paint.

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      Trace the shape of eight octopus legs on a sheet of craft foam. Use craft foam that matches the color of the painted pot. Cut out the leg outlines with scissors.

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      Arrange the eight craft foam legs evenly around the painted pot. Use craft glue to attach them in place around the edge to complete the octopus pot.