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Terracotta Bedroom Colors

Decorate your bedroom with the spicy warmth of terracotta hues. Whether you choose to paint the walls, dress the bed, install terracotta flooring or accessorize with the bold and inviting hue, terracotta is a color you can use for feminine and masculine rooms alike. Use terracotta as a dominant color or add pops of it throughout the space to unify the look of the room. Terracotta ranges from pale peachy tones to vibrant coral and deep rust hues.
  1. Walls

    • For a bold approach, use terracotta on the walls of the bedroom. Paint the entire room a mid-range tone of terracotta or choose one feature wall. Try special techniques such as sponging, ragging and glazing, too. The resulting look has an Old World air. Or combine wallpaper and terracotta paint. For instance, wallpaper the lower half of the walls and paint the upper half; separate them with a chair rail. Or create boxes with molding and paint the interior of the boxes in terracotta tones, and wallpaper the rest of the wall.


    • Terracotta tiles come in a range of shapes and sizes. Choose from surfaces that are polished or left rustic. Whether you choose to have the terracotta tiles installed in an ornate pattern involving many different sizes of tiles or a standard side-by-side pattern, terracotta flooring can work with existing decor. Colors range from pale yellow-orange shades to deep rust colors close to burgundy. Many of the tiles are variegated, which means there will be more than one color present. Ask for large-scale samples to determine what the overall look will be.

    Bedding and Drapery

    • Use bedding and draperies to add a smaller but still spicy jolt of terracotta to your bedroom. Combine a medium-tone terracotta with a bright blue or olive green for a modern color scheme. One idea is to dress the bed with terracotta sheets topped with a bright white duvet with a vein of cerulean blue throughout it. Pair the bedding with terracotta drapes with white and blue tie-backs to unify the look. Look for different types of terracotta-colored fabrics to introduce an element of texture to the room. Silk, wool and cotton can all be dispersed throughout the room.

    Accents and Accessories

    • Every terracotta room needs at least one piece of terracotta pottery. Whether you choose to add a large terracotta pot with a jade or aloe plant in it, a terracotta bowl to hold things like jewelry and wallets, or a terracotta lamp, pottery will bring the room together. Other ideas for accessories include throw pillows in terracotta, a bookshelf painted in a rusty hue, and floor mats with stripes of terracotta. Mix and match different shades of the color in the room's design to keep it fresh and visually interesting.