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Color Themes for Teen Girls' Rooms

For a teenager, her bedroom is her personal space. Naturally, she wants the space to reflect her personality, so when it comes to redesigning, it's likely that she has plenty to say. Color is extremely important when it comes to a teenager's bedroom. When your teenage daughter begs you to paint her room hot pink, rest assured that there are ways to achieve her desired look without drenching the walls in such a bold color.
  1. Deciding on a Theme

    • Teens will benefit from a room with a calming theme.

      Prior to choosing colors for a teen girl's bedroom, she should decide on a theme. She may choose to go with a theme based on her favorite music genre, favorite actor, or a brand such as Hello Kitty or Happy Bunny. The colors associated with her chosen theme should be carefully considered. For example, if she picks Hello Kitty as a general bedroom theme, appropriate colors include pink and black, with hints of silver or gold.

    Choosing Colors

    • Neutral accents are used to turn a drab room into a fab room.

      Too many colors will cause the room to feel busy and cluttered, even when it's not. When picking hues for a bedroom, it's best to pick no more than two main colors and two accent colors. If the room is on the small side, stick to lighter shades as they make a room feel bigger and more open. However, if the room is large, choose dark, earth tones to add a cozy feel.

      It should also be noted that primary colors should be dressed up with the accent colors. It's best to use the same hue in varying shades. For example, if orange and yellow are the main colors, a few bold orange and yellow pieces, such as artwork or a comforter, will work well with orange and yellow pastel colored lamps or window treatments.

    Implementing Patterns

    • Patterns add texture to an otherwise solid-colored bedroom.

      Patterns are common in teenage girl bedrooms. Common designs include plaid, floral, polka dots, hearts or stars. When implementing patterns, bear in mind the other colors in the room. A green and red plaid comforter won't blend into a bedroom that is painted pastel orange with bold yellow accessories. Patterns may be implemented in the bedroom using wallpaper, throw pillows or floor rugs. Flipping through home decor magazines may provide your teen with inspiration when it comes to implementing patterns in her bedroom.

    Walls, Furnishings and Accessories

    • Blending similar colors will pull the room together quite nicely.

      The focal point of a bedroom is typically the bed, but it doesn't always have to be. In fact, some young women choose to make a cosmetic table or computer desk the focal point. No matter what she chooses, your teenager will create a stylish room by implementing furnishing, wall and accessory colors that work with her overall theme. A lime green couch in a room painted bold red may be too much for the eyes to handle. Neutral colors such as cream, beige or off-white work well for furnishings in a teenage girl's bedroom. The neutral colors may be dressed up with tropical colored accessories such as hot pink, bright yellow, pastel green and a soft blue.