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How to Distress Wainscoting

Wainscoting, that wooden paneling used typically on the lower half of walls, adds a bit of a rustic, country or casual vibe to a room. If the wainscoting is new or freshly painted, however, it may look a bit too pristine for the room's decor. Distressing the wood gives it the look of added years and a little abuse that might be typical over time from chair backs and various objects bumping against the walls. It's a means of causing wear quickly rather than waiting decades for it to happen naturally.

Things You'll Need

  • Duster
  • Claw hammer
  • Chisel
  • Rubber mallet
  • Fine-grit sanding block
  • Tack cloth
  • Drill with 1/16-inch bit
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      Remove dust and cobwebs from the wainscoting using a duster.

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      Whack the wainscoting in several areas that would naturally receive wear over time, such as at the height of a chair back or the trim at the top of the wainscoting, using a claw hammer. Hit the paneling with various parts of the hammer, such as the claw or side of the hammer, to vary the look. If the wainscoting covers a corner, hit the corner several times with the hammer as well.

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      Remove small chunks of wainscoting, such as on raised borders, using a chisel and rubber mallet. Use this technique in an area that would receive wear naturally, such as where a doorknob may hit the wall, or at the entry to a stairwell. (Skip this step if you don't want the paneling to look quite so distressed.)

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      Sand away the paint or finish on parts of the wainscoting using a fine-grit sanding block, focusing on sharp edges, trim, and areas that would receive the most wear over time. Remove dust with a tack cloth.

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      Drill clusters of several tiny holes using a 1/16-inch drill bit in random areas of the wainscoting to emulate the look of worm damage.