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How to Make Your Room Look Emo

Emo originated during the mid-1980s as a style of rock music characterized by confessional and emotional lyrics. During the early 2000s, it moved into the mainstream and emo fashion and decorating styles began to develop among these bands and fans of the music genre. Both emo fashion and decorating styles are eclectic forms of self-expression that introduce and combine both dark colors and bright shades or patterns. A room decorated in an emo style should reflect those colors and display the personality of the room's dweller.

Things You'll Need

  • Wall paint
  • Paintbrushes or rollers
  • Painter's tape
  • Acrylic paint
  • Artist's paintbrushes
  • Bedding
  • Pillows
  • Artwork
  • Movie memorabilia
  • Emo band memorabilia
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    • 1

      Paint your bedroom walls in black, white, grey and dark shades of purple, magenta and navy blue. Combine these colors for more dramatic effects, or apply only one color throughout the room. Apply painter's tape to create checkerboard patterns or stripes on the walls. Popular color combinations in emo fashion and decor include red and black, black and white, pink and black, and deep purple and black.

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      Paint artistic murals onto the walls of your room, if desired, and if your landlord (or parent) allows painting. If you own the home, you can repaint the walls before resale to ensure you receive the optimal resale value on your home. Murals should represent your personality and style and should express your self-image. Paint images of your interests, your favorite quotes and lyrics or paint a new headboard for your bed. To effectively paint murals of self-expression, do not think about what images you want to create -- just paint.

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      Dress your bed in comforters and pillows that match your wall colors, or turn your bed into an accent piece with brightly colored bedspreads and pillows. Because the emo style is an eclectic expression of self, accents and themes do not have to match. Cover the bed in anything from a lush, purple velvet comforter to a black-and-white checkerboard quilt.

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      Cover your walls with artwork and mementos of your favorite movies and emo bands. Choose pieces of your personal artwork that mean the most to you and display your personality. Include movie and band memorabilia such as posters, tickets and magazine cutouts.

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      Display more artwork, movie memorabilia and emo band merchandise on shelves, desks and dresser tops. Possible decorative additions include vases, guitars and action figures. Avoid cluttering desks excessively to allow room for study and computer use.